Taking your cat to the vets

A visit to the vet can be stressful for cats, and therefore stressful for you too! You will need a sturdy cat carrier to get your cat from your home…

Taking your pet out in public

The daily walk forms an important part of our dog’s routine; a chance for them to stretch their legs (and ours!). As it’s something we do every day, we may…

Camping with your dog

Have your holiday plans this summer taken on a different look and feel? Are you swapping sunbeds and sand for…well, a field? Camping and caravanning is the holiday trend for…

Adopt a pet – save a life

If the recent months have meant your new pet plans have been on hold, you may now be starting to put the wheels in motion to extend your family and…

Diabetes Awareness Week

Diabetes Week – 8 to 14 June 2020

Know the facts, reduce the risk Spotting the signs of diabetes in your pets is crucial, as just like us, our pets can suffer from the complex disease, but it…